So, I’ve tossed around the idea of finally registering a domain and using my some of my skills to set up a blog that I could customize and play around with.
I wanted something that felt more me (read: customizable) and was looking forward to dropping the ‘blogspot’ bit from my blog’s url. No offence to blogger, we’ve had a good three years together. I just felt that it was time to move on.
In true GFM style, I thought about it for a long time, trying to decide if I would stick to this particular handle, if I really wanted to actually register a domain, if I was going to take the time to set it up and whether or not I would actually use it, because, let’s be honest, I’m a sporadic blogger at best.
But as someone pointed out to me when I was voicing this out loud, they’ve always known me to be the girl from Mars, it fits. I do have the ability to register, set up and customize a new blog. And maybe that would encourage me to be less sporadic and more purposeful about posting.
Once I’d finally come to all those decisions, again, in true GFM fashion, I had registered my domain, set up my host, installed WordPress on it, browsed for a theme, installed that and began adding my badgets, widgets and list of favourites to my blogroll.
It may take me forever to finally come to a decision, but once I do… I move fast on it.
That would be my long-winded way of saying, welcome to the new home of GFM’s blog, folks. I reckon I’m going to like it here.