Wine and Love: One

I’m always looking for things to encourage me to ost on a more regular basis, because I find that once I start posting more regularly, it gets easier.  That was my hope with Ten on Tuesdays and now with Wine & Love.

Wine and love was originally by Walking With Nora, but as of this week, will now be hosted by Suki. The concept is simple – each Thursday you post about what’s making you reach for the wine glass and what you’re loving.



  • Work.  I won’t go into specifics, but it’s busy and we don’t have the capacity to manage everything we’re trying to do.  I’m feeling overworked and under-appreciated.
  • Anxiety: My stress is boiling over into full out anxiety a little too often.  Last night, full blown anxiety attack.  I haven’t had one nearly that bad since Australia.  I’m not impressed.
  • School! I usually love school, but this time it’s been hard to manage the teacher’s expectations and have her understand that we have lives outside of school.  I even had the instructor send me a snarky message about how much time I’m investing in the course.  That has never happened to me in my years of post-secondary education.



  • I scored 100% on my test last night after my teacher told me I sucked.  That felt pretty good.  I like proving people wrong.
  • Work placement: My little safe haven of awesomeness.  I get to experience a new work environment and it’s something new each day.  I love, love, love it.
  • Spring-like weather: Feels so good to have the sun on my face and to leave work before it’s dark.  Nicer to play with the puppy outside in weather like this.  I’m so glad the days are getting longer.


I’m sure there are other things going on that could be added to either list, but nothing I can remember at this point.

What are your wine & loves this week?

Ten on Tuesday

I know, I know.  I haven’t posted in a while.  Let me try to distract you from that fact with…. SHINY THINGS!  No? Okay.

Well, I haven’t done a Ten on Tuesday in a while, either, and that totally counts as a post.

Ten on Tuesday is hosted by Chelsea and she provided this week’s questions, too.

1. How do you feel about April Fool’s Day?
I think it’s a little ridiculous and a lot mean.

2. Do you like birds?
I have no real feeling towards birds one way or the other.

3. How often do you wear your hair in a ponytail?
Not that often, actually.  I tend to let my hair run wild and will catch it and pin it up, but very rarely do I put it in a ponytail.  I find they do weird things to my hair and pull my curls out in a strange way.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely not.  But that can’t come as a surprise, as I hardly believed in love.

5. What is your favorite appetizer?
Tomato and mozzarella salad.  Amazing.

6. What is your favorite brand of heels?
I actually don’t wear heels often.  I’ve broken my ankle twice and am generally a klutz.  I wear flats, and any flats, really, so long as they’re cute and comfortable.

7. Are you a picky eater?
Yes.  I have a passionate dislike for meat, I’m deathly allergic to shellfish, and just for fun, I go through periods of time where something I used to love, I can’t stand even the smell of it.

8. Is there a tv show you like that nobody ever talks about?
Not particularly.  I tend to watch fairly mainstream stuff.  Wait, no.  Someone on Twitter just reminded me of one.  Once Upon A Time.  That’s an awesome show.  Let’s talk about it.

9. Do you prefer hot tea or cold tea?
Tea.  Hot.  But not Earl Grey.  And not Tetley.  Gross.  I’m a huge tea snob.  I love green and white tea, I like black tea.  I like flowering teas, I prefer my tea to be loose leaf.
10. Gayle or Peeta? (If you don’t know how to answer, read The Hunger Games.)
Hands down, Peeta.