Wine and Love: Four

It’s time for another instalment of Wine and Love created by Nora, and hosted by Suki. The concept is simple – each Thursday you post about what’s making you reach for the wine glass and what you’re loving.


  • Work: I’m afraid this is going to be on my wine list for a while.  It’s insane, I’m feeling really burnt out and really unappreciated and very, very underemployed.  I could go on, but I sound like a broken record.
  • School: Deja vu, n’est pas?  It’s been pretty intense, and the hours that I would usually give to school have been taken up by all the overtime I’m working at work.  By the time I’m done my 9-13 hour day, I’m ready to go home and sleep.  Not study, or participate in class or do homework.  Luckily, school will be over in a month.  I just hope to pass at this point.  Which is sad, cuz I’m used to getting HDs (That’s 85% or higher, in Aussie speak).



  • This is going to be vague, but ah, well.  Sometimes I do think things work out a certain way for a reason.  Sometimes, when something seems like the end of the world, something else will come out of it a little while later that proves that maybe the end of the world thing had to happen for something better, or something more helpful to happen.  I’m so glad this has been the situation in my case.
  • It’s my birthday! It’s kinda a wine and a love.  I have this strange anxiety about turning 30, which I am now a YEAR away from.  But I’m also looking forward to going to the pub for dinner tonight with friends and family.  I haven’t seen my BFF in a while and he’s coming along, I’m super excited about that.  And then on Saturday, I’ll be seeing the rest of my family and my cousins.  Really looking forward to that.

Wine and Love: Three

It’s Thursday — so time for another instalment of Wine and Love created by Nora, and hosted by Suki. The concept is simple – each Thursday you post about what’s making you reach for the wine glass and what you’re loving. 


  • The last few years, I’ve sunk into this pre-birthday mourning period.  This year has been no different.  Birthdays aren’t nearly as cool now as they were when I was 10, 11, 12 and having amazeball days filled with sparkles, finger painting and sleep-over parties.  Blerg, I’m all emo.  Someone please put me out of my misery.
  • I’m almost two weeks into my nightmare of 8 weeks at work and I’m already feeling burnt out.  This does not look good for the six weeks.
  • I’ve not been sleeping well, and last night I had horrible, horrible, wake-up-screaming type nightmares. Sleep is a good thing.  I need to get more of it.



  • I’ve fallen in love with writing drabbles again.  They’re super fun to write and I seem to be writing a bunch of them.
  • I survived the hellish week that was last week and managed to pull off our big corporate event without anything too awful happening.  Not bad, considering the job for running it was handed to me a week before it was to happen.  It also gave me the opportunity to make better connections with higher-ups and my boss’s bosses.
  • Jason Mraz’s new album makes my heart happy.


Wine and love: Two



Wine and love was originally by Walking With Nora, but the reins have been handed over and it is now hosted by Suki. The concept is simple – each Thursday you post about what’s making you reach for the wine glass and what you’re loving.



  • Work! My coworker had an accident and is in hospital recovering.  She’ll be okay, which is really good news, but it also means for the next two months, I’m doing her job and my job.  It means longer hours, more stress and I don’t get overtime or anything, so it’s hard to stay motivated when things are so nuts and I’m on the hook for things that I have no clue about.
  • School! This sounds a lot like last week’s post, doesn’t it? With more work responsibilities, I have less time to spend on school and I have to figure out how I’m going to finish my work placement when I’m essentially chained to my desk for the next two months.
  • Sad news: I’m going leave this one at that…



  • My brother’s coming home for ten days! I miss him.
  • Watching the Guild on Netflix
  • …I know there’s more to add to this list, but it’s not coming to me right now.
  • Oh, I LOVE that this week is nearly over.  Then I can come up for air… Sort of.