Ten on Tuesday

I know, I know.  I haven’t posted in a while.  Let me try to distract you from that fact with…. SHINY THINGS!  No? Okay.

Well, I haven’t done a Ten on Tuesday in a while, either, and that totally counts as a post.

Ten on Tuesday is hosted by Chelsea and she provided this week’s questions, too.

1. How do you feel about April Fool’s Day?
I think it’s a little ridiculous and a lot mean.

2. Do you like birds?
I have no real feeling towards birds one way or the other.

3. How often do you wear your hair in a ponytail?
Not that often, actually.  I tend to let my hair run wild and will catch it and pin it up, but very rarely do I put it in a ponytail.  I find they do weird things to my hair and pull my curls out in a strange way.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely not.  But that can’t come as a surprise, as I hardly believed in love.

5. What is your favorite appetizer?
Tomato and mozzarella salad.  Amazing.

6. What is your favorite brand of heels?
I actually don’t wear heels often.  I’ve broken my ankle twice and am generally a klutz.  I wear flats, and any flats, really, so long as they’re cute and comfortable.

7. Are you a picky eater?
Yes.  I have a passionate dislike for meat, I’m deathly allergic to shellfish, and just for fun, I go through periods of time where something I used to love, I can’t stand even the smell of it.

8. Is there a tv show you like that nobody ever talks about?
Not particularly.  I tend to watch fairly mainstream stuff.  Wait, no.  Someone on Twitter just reminded me of one.  Once Upon A Time.  That’s an awesome show.  Let’s talk about it.

9. Do you prefer hot tea or cold tea?
Tea.  Hot.  But not Earl Grey.  And not Tetley.  Gross.  I’m a huge tea snob.  I love green and white tea, I like black tea.  I like flowering teas, I prefer my tea to be loose leaf.
10. Gayle or Peeta? (If you don’t know how to answer, read The Hunger Games.)
Hands down, Peeta.

Ten on Tuesday: Random

C’est Mardi! Temps pour Dix Mardi!  Ten on Tuesday is hosted by the fantastic Chelsea at Roots and Rings and this week’s questions are provided by her.

1. What did you do this weekend?
I ran errands, got coffee, mailed a love letter, had a #winetoreach on Saturday night, strained my knee on Sunday and spent the day icing and stretching it, raided and nursed the headache from #winetoreach.

2. Do you prefer short fingernails or long fingernails?
I prefer medium length finger nails on me, as in a bit of a white tip.  I find longer finger nails are a hazard; they get caught and break on piano keys, get in the way of putting contacts in, break or get caught on sweaters.

3. What is your favorite use for Pinterest?
Nothing yet.  I’m very new to Pinterest and don’t quite get the hype yet.

4. Do you sleep with your mouth open?
I don’t think so?

5. Where did you have the best pizza you’ve ever eaten?
Capriccio Italiano.  Best pizza ever.  My fiance (at the time) and I would go there for a very late dinner on Fridays (around midnight) and sit out on the patio and watch the excitement of Northbridge.   It had the strangest art on the walls and the oddest owner who would just wander over and sit down with you.   The food was fantastic and their pizza was amazing; great sauce and fresh veggies.  Perth has some amazing restaurants.

6. What do you eat for breakfast on weekdays?
Cottage cheese and fruit or yogurt and granola.

7. Do you watch awards shows? Why or why not?
I kinda have a huge hate for awards shows.  They tend to irritate and bore me.  But I do, on occasion, still watch them.

8. Can you whistle? Snap? Curl your tongue? Bend down and touch your palms to the ground?
Whistle: Yup.
Snap: Yes, though sometimes the sound of it gives me the gweebs.
Curl my tongue: Yes.
Bend down and touch my palms to the ground: I think I can?…Yup.  May or may not have just tried it to be sure.

9. What email service do you use?
Gmail.  I like it.  But I’m not sure about this whole new privacy policy thing with the google products.

10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Walking my dog and playing fetch with her.  Or lounging in my adirondack chair in the sun with a book and a G&T. DON’T JUDGE.

Ten on Tuesday: Maths

While it may feel like a Monday, it is definitely Tuesday… which means time for Ten on Tuesday, hosted by the lovely Chelsea.  This week’s questions were provided by a maths-teaching friend of hers.

0.01×10^2. What was your best/worst day in math class?

There was never a best day when it came to me and maths.  Every maths class was worse than the last.  I truly, truly hated it and the second I could stop taking maths, I did. (Yes, my last maths class was in grade 10).

20×10^-1. Who was your favorite/least favorite math teacher? Why?
My favourite maths teacher was Mr. N, because he took the time with those of us that hated and didn’t get math to make sure we learned.

My least favourite math teacher would be every other math teacher I ever had.  haha

3×10^0. Is it okay to be bad at math if English is more your thing?
I think so.  I mean, my brain just does not lend itself to maths and sciences.  I find it kinda funny that I hate maths so much, but love music.  But yes, everyone’s brains work in different ways.  I think it’s important to learn maths, but I think it’s okay to be bad at it.

0.4×10^1. How does this video make you feel?
It didn’t really make me feel…anything? If it were for real, I might be a little concerned about humanity. 😉

500×10^-2. What do you like/not like about math?
My brain just doesn’t work that way, so when you get down to the really complicated stuff, I kinda zone out.  Luckily, I don’t think that’s the kind of math that people use in their day-to-day, so I think we’re okay.

0.006×10^3. What makes someone a nerd?
Oh, man.  There isn’t one thing exactly.  And then I have to explore the geek versus nerd thing again.  I think this is such a subjective thing.

7×10^0. Who is the nerdiest person you know?
Me? I dunno.  I know heaps of nerdy people, cuz I’m one myself.

80×10^-1. What is the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done?
Okay, fuck.  I’ll admit it.  I dressed up as Deanna Troi from ST:TNG. When I was ten.

0.9×10^1. Do you think GraphJam is funny?

10×10^1. Have you ever used math outside of school?
Yes, but basic stuff.